At Dominion we aim to be pioneers in regards to the investment opportunities we offer. That’s why we have launched the Dominion Capital Strategies – New Technologies Fund: a dedicated investment proposition that capitalises on the enormous growth in the global technology sector. This fund will sit alongside our standard investment propositions (Global Equities, Global Bonds and Balanced Fund of Funds) in the DCS portfolio..
When we started thinking about what we wanted to offer that differentiated us from our competitors, the Tech sector was impossible to ignore. Why? The term “technology” brings the science fiction books written by Asimov, or more recently, the “Back to the Future” trilogy, to mind. These works offer a brilliant example of how many products which once seemed impossible to produce are now part of our day to day life. So technology is unintentionally intriguing: it blends visions of the future with today’s innovation. Technology forces us to think long term, to travel into the future and start thinking about what the world will be like in 10, 15, or even 30 years.
So, Technology was an area we wanted to focus on for at least one of the DCS investment products. But offering a traditional global technology fund of funds was too easy. Everybody would be able to offer such a product, and we are not a traditional fund management company. We are Dominion!
I’m sure most of you have already heard of the following: autonomous cars, robotics, neural networks, blockchain, e-Commerce, artificial intelligence. These are fascinating areas within the tech sector, and all the global technology funds pretend to have exposure to all of them. But for the DCS New Technologies Fund we wanted to create something new, something different – a fund where an important portion of the asset allocation is actually taken up by these intriguing technological sub-sectors.
At DCS, with our New Technologies Fund, we want to offer an investment opportunity which will be future proof: investing investors’ money in those themes which will be central to the creation of the future. Automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence are only few examples of these themes…
DCS New Technologies June 2019 Fund Fact Sheet
Author: Alessandro Hor
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