Our Operations Team is getting bigger and stronger every day. New staff members include Sebastián Mutio and Paula Antiga, both with 15-years+ experience in our industry and, most importantly, the hands-on, positive attitude and relationship building approach we look for in every new member of the Dominion Team.
Sebastian will be leading our Accounts Services Department, aimed at keeping a zero-inbox policy and keeping our turnaround times below 24 hours for both queries and transactions. We are delighted to be processing 95% of everything you send our way in less than 24 hours.
Paula is taking over our Advisor Onboarding Department. She will be the lead contact for new and existing advisors with regards to their terms of business with Dominion, training requirements, and the different stages towards becoming fully familiar with our products and service platform.
In other areas, we’ve upgraded our credit card processing gateways and we’re now accepting more than 20 different credit cards among the 40+ countries we’re present in at this time. In addition to Visa & MasterCard, new cards include JCB, Amex, Falabella, Diners and many others. Check our Help Center or contact our Operations Team for details on availability within your country.
Our mission is to translate complicated financial speak into products and services that everyone can understand. We’ve put together the most cost-efficient, transparent, and flexible products in the industry for you and your clients. But that only makes sense if supported by a focused, high quality, and timely service to you, the advisor. That is what we do, and intend to keep on doing, at Dominion.
Federico Cella
Operations Director
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