For years now, one particular trend has been very clear: the biggest investment banks are focused on their wealthier clients while the less-wealthy are rejected or not accepted.
Example: JP Morgan Chase bank has doubled the minimum investment required to become a client from $5M to $10M!
JP Morgan is exceptional, but not unique. There are other American banks where the minimum is set between $1M and $2M…
There must be someone out there who thinks, lives, and longs for that $250.000 USD client. And who recognises that this client deserves access to international mutual funds and a great service.
Another trend that has recently escalated is that more and more clients prioritise the “service” over the “brands”. This is merely because, at the end of the day, what clients seek (diversification, access to international mutual funds, clear guidelines, strong currencies, investment administration according to their profile), is something that many banks now offer. Therefore, the key differentiator between these organisations lies in the service level they offer.
The distinctive aspect is the “service”. One client recently observed: “I wish to work with someone who really wants to work with me, who is available, who answers my calls, my emails and my questions, etc.”
We offer these clients the best of both worlds, accepting investments from $10.000 up, and offering access to the best international mutual fund families, a serious administrative team based in London, an intuitive (and spectacularly simple) platform, and a first-class service (because this is our niche). As a result, our service is becoming more and more attractive to new clients every day.
In terms of client risk, as we explained in previous editions, the only risks are the investments. The chosen funds yield adequate return according to their risk profile.
To conclude, a quick summary of the main advantages of our offer:
- Legal security (Guernsey is member of the OECD white list)
- Equity security (Bank of New York as custodian)
- Serious jurisdiction (AA- according to S&P) MY : DCS NEWS April 2019
- Segregated accounts
- Free estate planning
- Access to the best mutual funds families as selected by our London team (Templeton, Blackrock, Investec, etc.)
- Simple and intuitive online platform
- Agile and pro-business service.
We look forward to providing any additional information you require regarding any of the aspects mentioned herein. Please feel free to get in touch.
Kind regards,
Product Law
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author at the date of publication and not necessarily those of Dominion Capital Strategies Limited or its related companies. The content of this article is not intended as investment advice and will not be updated after publication. Images, video, quotations from literature and any such material which may be subject to copyright is reproduced in whole or in part in this article on the basis of Fair use as applied to news reporting and journalistic comment on events.